Hello ^.^
This is irrelevant to my blog but I've got 3 hours to kill in Costa with a Chaii Latte and my laptop so I thought I'd come have a little chat with you.
I'm thinking about creating a series of Chat with Coffee here on my blog where we discuss certain subjects and you can respond with your opinions and views in the comments.
Today lets talk about views and opinions. To be more specific sharing them with other people.
Okay so the other day I was hanging out with some friends say about 9 of us all together. 6 of them where either racist, homophobic, sexist or prejudice against something of the sort. I honestly have no idea why I spend time with them because they're so ignorant and small minded but other then that they're good people.
Myself and my two friends are massively against all this. Especially one of my friends, who is mostly against homophobia, and myself, who I'm massively against any type of prejudice/discrimination/scapegoating.
Anyway so the 6 boys would keep making racist or homophobic comments (usually on purpose to piss me off as they know I will react of it) and each time I'd give them a good reason to shut the f**k up as well as my views on the matter. I will always start of in a regular tone of voice and without swearing, simply giving my opinion. But come on, that never works. Especially with me as nobody ever seems to take me seriously unless I'm all worked up and yelling it from the roof tops.
So as these comments keep coming and they carry on with their disgusting views and I begin to get more aggressive and pissed off to the point where I'm on the verge of crying. My friends no longer stick up with me and tell me to just stop pointing everything out. How can I stop "pointing out" such views and opinions that are the reason our society is getting bombed. The reason our society is in so much pain. The reason our society isn't equal. And because my friends tell me to "shut up" and "stop giving us your opinion it's getting annoying now" and the most common one... "stop being so argumentative". Argumentative? I'm simply debating our different opinions and views. Is that really being argumentative? What do you think?
It got to the stage where if I opened my mouth, whether I was going to give my opinion or simply make conversation as they were, then they'd tell me to shut up and say some sarky horrible comment to shut me up. I lost 2 friends that evening. (I mean we're okay now, but just that evening)
I've been brought up to debate. It's what me and my parents do on a regular basis and I find that wonderful. My mum is catholic and my dad is atheist and I'm planning on beginning Buddhism so we're all very contrasting in our views. My mum holds a lot of belief whilst my dad is very scientific. We pass round great opinions all the time and it helps us to understand each other. Yes occasionally we do get worked up if someone isn't being open minded but usually it all works out great. I can't help but pass my opinions on this especially when I'm a very opinionated person. However at the same time I can understand both sides of the argument, or at least try to... most of the time. Unless you're view is that all Muslims are terrorists and all black people are immigrants here to steal our jobs or you're using "gay" or "lesbo" as an insult or you find bisexuals or pansexuals or omnisexuals "confused" or genderfluidity and agender and bigender and transgender are all fake. Then I will find your opinion unvalid and stupid because of how narrow minded you must be to believe such a thing. When really all humans are equal no matter what your skin colour, religion, sexuality, gender, identity and whatever else. Society just pushes certain groups up and certain groups down to try hide the fact that really we're all level.
Do you debate your opinions, views and beliefs often too? Do you find it gets in the way of friendships sometimes? Let me know what you think about this in the comments and I'd love to get back to you.
~ Happy Lil Plant Life
In a world like this, opinion doesn't really matter anymore. Only fact does but what society calls facts aren't even facts just random shit that they want us to believe so we can start hating on each other more & more. Debates open up minds, rarely in my case but some of the times it does. Sharing your opinions and beliefs is a great thing but when people mistake it for forcing it into them, that's when nobody wants to share anything.
ReplyDeleteI'm not white, I'm not straight, I'm not male & neither do I follow the Christian beliefs so it would be pretty easy to be sexist, homophobic & racist to me without even getting to know who I am first and I've had that a couple of times, especially living in an area where most people are close minded, so if I shared my opinions I don't think it would go to change since they have been taught by social media, themselves, family & friends telling them otherwise. Like you said, the whole thing of: Muslims are terrorists, LGBT+ is a choice and your just confused, black people are immigrants, females are only meant to cook & clean, ect;. These are all narrow, ignorant, stupid views but have literally been forced into people. My dad was bought up in a pretty racist country and my mom is from a country where they are really close minded, if I didn't think for myself and just believed everything the news told me then I would be racist & close minded to everything & everyone.
I guess the point that I'm trying to make is that, we rely on social media a lot these days so when social media tells us all Muslims are terrorists, most people are gonna believe it. That LGBT+ is a choice, most people are gonna believe it and so on, so sharing your views vs social media would be a difficult task, especially if they are already set on one thing society tells them. Maybe the reasons your friends tried to shut you up is because they knew it was no point trying to give into those six boys because they wouldn't magically change their views just because three girls aren't close minded as they are, it's the hard truth. It's a great thing that your debating your views and explaining and just generally being so passionate about this. You should. All of us should start voicing our opinions. I guess that's why there's campaigns like AllLivesMatter and a lot more x
{Sorry it's so long, you don't have to read/reply to all of it xD}
Thank you for commenting :)
DeleteI completely understand where you're coming from and to a degree I agree. It's just disappointing that society relies on social media to decide their opinion whether that opinion is good or bad. Yet there's nothing we can do as an individual nor as a group of individuals because the closed minded aren't going to change yet the open minded aren't going to back down however open minded and closed minded people on this earth pretty much balance up.