Tuesday, 27 December 2016

Stay Healthy ~ Organically ~ This Winter


Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas/Hanukkah/anything else you've been celebrating recently. Depending on where you are of course, it's winter now! Here in the north of the UK it can get pretty cold for the next few months. This means the season of flu and colds are among us. So here are some tips, drinks and remedies to prevent you and help you get better during the winter. Even better, they're all vegan!


Fresh Orange Juice:
This is the best thing if you start to realise signs of a cold. Whenever I feel a cold coming on I either pop down to the store and get some fresh orange juice, or if I have enough Oranges I'll squeeze my own. Pretty self explanatory, you get a few oranges, squeeze/juice them then drink it.

Hot Lemon & Ginger Tea:
The vitamin C and the ginger are sure to get your stuffy nose right back on track.

- 6 tbsp of freshly grated ginger root (You can always add more)
- The juice of 1 lemon
- A pinch of cinnamon
- 4 cups of hot boiled water
- A glass jar (1 quart is recommended)

Put all ingredients in the jar then pour in the boiling water. Trap the stem by putting on the lid so that all essential, oils stay within the tea. Leave for about half an our to brew. This jar will last for 24 hours. Drink a 3rd of it 3 times a day, reheating before drinking.

Spice Tea:
Spice is the best way to clear your system. As long as you can bare with a lot of nose blowing for a few minutes. After that, you'll be right as rain. However this recipe has some complicated ingredients.
- quarter cup of coriander seeds
- 1 1/2 tbsp cumin seeds
- 1 1/2 tbsp of fennel seeds
- 1/4 tsp fenugreek seeds
- cup of boiling water
- 1/2 tsp rock candy (misri)
- 2 tbsp milk

roast and grind up the corriander seeds, cumin seeds, fennel seeds and fenugreek seeds.
Now, boil a cup of water.
Add one and a half teaspoon of this spice powder and the rock candy misri.
Let it simmer for three to four minutes.
Add milk.
Bring the solution to a boil and then strain it.
Sip it slowly while it is hot.
Drink this spice tea daily.

Essential Oils:

Whether you've got a stuffy nose or want to prevent one. Dabbing a few drops under your nostrils is something I do every morning that has worked efficiently this past month.
Some essentials oils need diluting before use so always read the label. I use 3 drops per 5ml of water and that's all I need per use.

Tea Tree (steaming):
 For this you'll need to put about 6 drops of tea tree oil in the bottom of a bowl the pour several cups of boiling water in. Place your face over the bowl, however make sure you don't burn your face. You can add more oil if you feel like it. It's also advised to put a towel over your head and the bowl so that the steam is trapped and it's more effective. Repeat this twice a day. This one will really clear up headaches and bunged up noses.

Essential Oil Bath:
Whilst a nice hot bath is running. Drop in 5 drops of lavender essential oil, peppermint essential oil and eucalyptus essential oil and put the drops into the running water. This way the oils get spread out and mixed in with the water. Then get in, breath deeply and relax!

Hopefully this is enough to make sure you stay healthy this winter.
Stay well/Get well soon! X

~ Happy Lil Plant Life

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